Dear Editor,
Worried sick about increasing property taxes? Wondering if you can keep your home?… How can you cut your budget?…You are not alone. Every AA school district in the state is cutting millions from their budgets. Billings could not afford to keep Washington as an elementary school, and I fear more cuts are coming. The most needy among us are losing Medicaid in applications more messed up than our taxes.
Mr. Rogers used to say, “In times of trouble, look for the helpers.” But who will help?…
Not the Governor… He proudly stands with Texas as he sends them our troops, but he says he’ll put together a committee to look at our tax concerns.
Not the Legislature… Their lawmaking redefined obscenity: MORE TAXES…Less government …
Not the Attorney General…He’s spending untold millions of our tax dollars on private law firms defending unconstitutional laws the legislature continues to pass and obstructing the people’s constitutional initiative rights.
Not OPI’s Elsie…She’s off fighting the trumped-up WOKE agenda, withholding critical funds to public schools while supporting Moms for Liberty as they overwhelm school boards with politics and their religion, threaten librarians, and ban books, curriculum, gays and Sesame Street.
Mr. Rogers… We are in trouble.
Our schools have been audited unsafe for our kids and community. How do we fund critical safety needs in these taxing times? We have cut budgets, closed a beloved elementary school, repurposed high school and applied for three charter schools all to try to generate revenue and balance the budget. With starting teacher pay last in the nation and suicide near the top…if those elected won’t help, please vote them out!
Between April 18 and May 7, registered voters will vote by mail on Safety Levies for our schools and trustees in three districts.
We ask for your help. Please Vote YES For Safe Schools, and trustee helpers: Sarah Kottke, Clementine Lindley, and Zack Terakedis.
Karen Lazetich Moses