With the president and secretary of the Worden Community Club (WCC) stepping down the WCC has offered to merge with the Community Project Connection (CPC) organization. Both groups have similar goals for the Worden community and are both responsible for events on Main Street.
CPC President Nikki Zimmer brought the merger proposal forward at CPC’s monthly meeting on 28 October. WCC President Linda Holmes gave a short explanation of WCC’s responsibilities including landscaping of the boulevard in Worden, spring Main Street cleaning, managing the Main Street sign, paying for the garbage cans on Main Street, and the final responsibility of WCC is organizing the Worden Christmas Stroll. CPC Treasurer Marlene Krum said she was excited about the proposal as there always seems to be confusion as to which group does what. CPC called a vote, and the proposal was unanimously passed. The logistics of the merger will be hammered out over the next couple months and will likely be finished around January of next year.
Other business discussed at the CPC meeting included a discussion about street lighting on main street in Worden. Staking Engineer Brent Koch with Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative was present to provide … Read full article here.