Dear Editor,
The Progressive Pioneer’s recent article lecturing everyone about religious right was particularly enlightening. I am not aware of any “gearing up in the media.” I am aware that the new progressive socialist democrats are lurching far to the left which has been covered by the media. That is not the right doing that – it is the progressives doing it to themselves. Then, she warned the right to “never be completely equated with any party” because that would be demagoguery. Who is going to decide where that line is? The progressive socialist democrats? Don’t think so. I will not be lectured too about social justice and morality by a party that endorses and expands abortion to include third term abortion including up to including the moment of birth. Or, in the recent case of the Governor of Virginia, even after birth. Further, she claims that the conservative right is the party of “mean, crazy, violent, hateful.”? I submit she needs to reread her history as it is the progressive Socialist swho profess to be stalwarts of social justice are, in fact, the party of hate, bigotry and now even infanticide.
Dave Malek