Who decided we don’t want racing here?

Dear Editor,

Great article in the 12-14-18 issue of the YCN about horse racing. We were all excited about it because of horse racing and Indian relay racing. After the Indian relays had to go elsewhere, twenty-two teams went to Seattle. Imagine how much money went with them. Who decided we don’t want racing here? Why don’t you ask us what we, the community, want?

I was walking at the Metra the other day and they started tearing up the track. Pretty ugly moment. The inside rail was already gone, and I don’t know where the starting gate is. I called a county commissioner and asked him about it and he said the barns are old and dilapidated, so they will be torn down and new ones build. Guess who is going to pay for that?

The barns are abysmal because of maintenance or lack thereof. I have seen a lot of barns as old or older that are good and useable in very good condition. There are four big barns that should have four sets of double doors each. The doors are gone. Shutters are gone. Stall doors are hanging. All of these things are result of not shutting and securing them. Pretty easy job! Immediately, after the YCN article came out, a crew began to take the outside railing down. All the gate into the track are chained and padlocked shut and if there’s an opening with no gate, there’s a concrete blockade. This hasn’t happened previously. They are usually mostly open.

The “planning committee” was asked to delay destruction of the track as there is an effort to revive racing in Montana. Great Falls and Miles City both have successfully race meets. Billings has previously, also.

I write you, the public to go drive or walk thru your fairgrounds and see the sad state. Then decide if you think you should pay to tear down and build new if the existing conditions there will have the same results again. Somebody needs to be held accountable. President Trump recognizes the value of agriculture and Billings should too.


June Eaton

Billings, MT

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