We want followers of whatever fad or thought of the powerful

Dear Editor,

With our profit-oriented society, privatization is subject to interpretation.  Businesses cut back on material and quality to cut cost, yet increase price. As to health care, to some it means one has to purchase insurance at whatever price the insurer askes.  

      If you are talking about medical care then one would have to do away with the AMA and FDA, who dictate what procedure, methods and drugs can be used.  Much like the AP and UPI, this is what you can print.

  Read an interesting piece, “We hoard resources while our neighbors are hungry and cold. We speak in ways that silence others. We are silent when we should speak up. We keep score in our hearts. We let hurts grow into hatred.”  

   In these political times we should remember an Abraham Lincoln quote, ” you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.”  

   Our society does not want individual or independent people; we want followers of whatever fad or thought of the powerful. 

Lauris Byxbe

Pompeys Pillar, MT

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