We have Great Orators with lots of Rhetoric. 

Dear Editor,

When we have an issue or problem, we tend to “do it ourselves” creating bigger problems.

We get bombarded with voting records of candidates; their rating is good, the other is bad.  Laws are like clothes, one size doesn’t fit all. Passing a law to solve an issue, sometimes creates more issues.

We are told to vote for the party, not the candidate. Is the party for “we the people” or for the party itself?  The other question, where does the party stand?  Lately, it has been to bad mouth the other guy, or telling the people what they want to hear, with no intention of following through.  We have great orators with lots of rhetoric. 

    A vote for none of the above may be our only hope. 


Lauris Byxbe   

Pompeys Pillar 

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