We didn’t need no stinkin’ map!

Dear Editor,

Finally think I’ve got it:
When growing up in a small Montana town, I didn’t need a map. Everyone knew where every place within a forty-mile radius was – also learned it from family, other kids/adults and visits and early-on schooling. The town I grew up in, probably not unlike Huntley, had no map and no need. A new-comer just followed signs, asked someone, or drove and walked around.  Who needs a stinking map? Carl doesn’t, YCN staff doesn’t, local business enterprise doesn’t! So why do I?  Would save Montana State Highway department a ton of money to not have an up-to-date one. Would save paper and likely a tree for some beaver. Think Karl would like that. This idea of a map; showing all streets, roads and highways, business addresses, et al; has no doubt been spawned by years of brain-washing from living in a major metropolis. Would have been nice, though, to look at a piece of paper and say “so that’s where Darrah is, Cowboy’s Grill, YCN publishing facility, Barkemeyer Park, golf course, gas station, hardware, and food emporiums.

Bill Everling

YCN Subscriber

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