These images were captured near the Yellowstone County News office in Huntley, MT today February 28, 2018. It’s taken Jonathan 3 1/2 years to get in a position to get some pictures like this since owning the newspaper.
As other opportunities had come and gone in the past, this opportunity just happened as the Yellowstone River was covered with ice due to the cold weather conditions and there were a very few areas that the eagles were watching the open water for breakfast.
Originally, the eagles were not together. In fact, they were in separate trees watching the same area of the river. Once I got near the first eagle, it decided to fly off of which was hard to get a good picture BUT WAIT, it flew back near the other eagle in another tree of which both eagles decided to land on the same tree limb of which the picture of them together is when the photo op started. Once the photographer got to close, the National birds decided to take flight and this is when one of the many pictures turned out with the eagle in flight looking down on us.
Rare snapshots to share with our viewers and readers.
So we are sharing the pictures. Enjoy!