Voting for the Democratic Party?

Dear Editor,

Voting for the Democratic Party? Anybody know who these people and party stand for? This party was formed by Andrew Jackson. Since then and now this party has persecuted Jews, Christians, African Americans (slaves in the early times) and Native Americans. (Indians in early times.)

They simply want to be in control of your life. Also, it is a known fact that Hitler took all of his ideas from the Democratic Party to form his agenda to try and rule the world.

One of his first things on his agenda was to confiscate all of the people’s guns, so they had no way to defend themselves. After that, it was easy pickings. You lost all your rights.

So when you vote Democratic, kiss your constitutional rights, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence “goodbye.”

And don’t look for Old Glory to fly above this nation anymore. You won’t even be able to worship Jesus on Sunday without being persecuted for your belief.

This party promises peaches and cream. But all you’re going to get is the devil’s work “hell.”

Don’t like the guy in office now who has done more for his country in two years than all presidents before him (except for Lincoln and Reagan).

So vote for the brown shorts and the black shirts and see what you get? It’s called socialism, does Venezuela ring a bell?


Ken Kunz Sr.


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