Vote Republican!

Dear Editor,

Those of us who are happy to live in Montana need to seriously consider who we will vote for in this November to represent us in Washington, D.C. He (or she) will be one of our two representatives in the the House, or one of our Senators in the Senate. While they represent us in the nation’s capital, they are also members of either the Republican or the Democratic parties and are often asked to help support their party’s national agenda – which may or may not serve Montana’s best interest.

The reason I bring up the importance of party affiliation is that the Democratic party beginning with Obama in 2008 has betrayed our nation’s history of patriotism and the love of America that I remember. In his first year of office President Obama declared that the United States was not a Judeo-Christian nation, (guided by the Ten Commandments). He never said whose God he followed – the members of “Organizing For Action” think he (Barack) is God. That same year he then declared “Climate Change” was the number one crisis facing us, and that we must stop using fossil fuels that generate carbon dioxide (CO2) even though our food crops grow better with more CO2 in the air.

Saying we (U.S. citizens) have no code of morals, and that we should go from reliable, inexpensive coal and gas fired electric power generation to expensive, unreliable wind and solar generated electric power (both of which will still require fossil fueled backup), reveals Obama as a fool, and the current Democratic Party as stupid, certainly corrupt, and essentially evil. The drift of our country since Obama and under Biden has been dramatically downhill – Afghanistan, covid, inflation.  Anyone voting for a Democrat is fouling our nest.

Which brings us to Jon Tester, the Democratic Senator from Montana. His voting record during his three terms (18 years) in office has been 91.0% in agreement with Biden and the Democrats, only occasionally benefitting the citizens of Montana.

Vote Republican.

Stuart Deans, Lockwood

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