Dear Editor,
I am an emigrant from Communist China. My grandfather originally came to America as a Chinese coolie laborer in the early 1900s when America was building its transcontinental railroads. The Chinese men worked long hard hours to send their modest wages back to China to support their families. They had no intention of bringing their families to America until after Communist Mao Zedong took over China in 1949. It was then that my grandfather realized that he didn’t want his family living under Communism and applied to bring us here. Despite racism in the beginning, our philosophy was to work hard, make something of ourselves, and contribute to this great country we were allowed to immigrate to.
Our current Democrat party is no longer the Democrat party of JFK. This party has been hijacked by the Deep State and is now the party of open borders, higher taxes, and gun control. Open borders will flood and weaken our country with illegals, gun, drug and human trafficking. Advocating for gun control will limit our abilities to defend against a tyrannical government. In China, citizens are not allowed to own guns. After Mao came to power, over 40 million Chinese were killed.
The D party has now adopted Communist and Marxist ideologies and tactics, including censorship, control, smear campaigns, voter fraud, ignorance of the rule of law and treason.
Our freedoms are at stake in this upcoming election. My grandfather did not bring us here so that we would end up living in another Communist/Marxist country. Vote Rosendale for Senate. Vote Gianforte for Congress. Vote like your freedoms depend on it, because they do!
Mae Woo