Up Pryor Creek without a google map

Dear Editor,

Carl Wolf in Worden, Montana: Your YCN column is educational, entertaining, and interesting. I think the bus you and Jonathan threw each other under has been consigned to memory and replaced by a kind of father-son thing. What puzzles me is “How do I find my way in the Huntley Project area without a map?” Jonathan says google it! Well, now Carl, what if I don’t have a laptop? I’m up a Pryor Creek with no propulsion!

Seems to me after more than a hundred years since the project was established, even school kids could sketch lines and curves with tenth mile or so distance markers between drives, roads, and streets, noting business, utility, park, golf course, and other sites, so even this ex-Montanan, now Easterner, could find his way. 

William W. (Bill) 


YCN Subscriber 

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