Dear Editor,
Sixty Minutes first segment on television last night was regarding Ukraine, Putin as well as the people of Ukraine who refuse to leave.
As I watched, I admit I had tears flowing. Seeing not only the physical devastation of cities, but, seeing and hearing what the Ukrainians are having to deal with personally, shortage of food, little or no electrical power or ways of heating their homes, and literally surviving on pure grit and pride.
My primary thought and question was, and has been, is and has been, WHY??? What in the world drives a man (Putin) to such brutal lengths to the killing and torture of innocent people, knocking out the entire power grid of Ukraine and destroying the very land he wants to rule?
Well beyond any sane or rational explanation.
But, that put my brain on the path of all the violence, robberies, as well as the theft and destruction of businesses as so many of the riots that have been taking place across the cities here in the United States.
Somehow the people, who are committing these crimes, stealing or destroying other people’s goods or property, self-justify the taking of what they deem rightfully theirs. I’ve long maintained that if you were to go onto a known thief or crook, and take or steal something of theirs, they’d kill you on the spot, in the name of justice!
Bottom line, the fundamental truth is we have little Putins (individuals) every day, yes, every day, running around all over the United States stealing, taking from others, destroying others lives. Just yesterday, a lady killed another lady, arguing about a parking space dispute! Putin is doing the same thing at an unimaginable level.
What’s also worth noting. Once they accomplish whatever their mission or actions were, they’ll not be happier, nor will they be satisfied, and only pursue their next victim. When will this madness end?
Edward O. Hoem
Billings Heights