Dear Editor,
I need to vomit! I’ve been watching the fall of Afghanistan on TV, and it brings back memories of a good friend of mine as he was evacuated from Saigon at the last minute.
The Democrats were responsible for the fall of Saigon by not living up to the agreements made to support the South Vietnamese should they re-invade the country after the peace agreement was made to end hostilities in that country. The Democrats refused to support the South Vietnamese, and it fell to the Communists. Traitors then, traitors today as nearly twenty years in Afghanistan have come to naught. Joe Biden is an example of how far our leadership has evaporated in six months. Maybe he is just a Jeff Dunam puppet as I alluded to in an earlier letter. Maybe he is just following a script written by Barack Obama or one of the other far left wing cronies who wish to see America destroyed.
And I said “destroyed”…yes, destroyed. How happy are you after six month with gas prices spiraling out of control, shortages of supplies, inflated prices on everything, including wages. Wages that no one will take so they can collect their “free” government handouts which are driving this nation into bankruptcy. Can you name a single thing that the Biden administration has done correctly for and in behalf of the American people? No, you can’t, not if you are being honest. All we are being told is to wear a mask, social distance, and be afraid, yes, be very afraid of the dreaded Covid monster.
Here’s a firsthand story for you about the efficiency and logic of the Biden administration and the terrible pandemic that is killing millions of people. The other day my wife flew in to the Atlanta, Georgia, airport. She was masked as was every other American citizen in that airport. As she is waiting for her flight, passengers from another flight are departing the aircraft. Noticeable to all is one passenger departing without a mask. She has two or three “handlers” as she doesn’t speak English. She is an “undocumented alien” coming into our country from a Spanish speaking country, soon to be integrated into an American city. With the border crisis of thousands crossing into our borders illegally, let’s call it an invasion, none of whom are being checked for Kung-Flu (or Covid if you are a liberal). Why are you and I told that we must get vaccinated and wear a mask? The non-elected Doctor Fauci tells us we have to do this and that, but doesn’t require illegals to wear masks. He condemns Sturgis, but is silent on Barack Obamafest on Martha’s Vineyard. I think it’s time for the American sheep I think it is time for Americans to shed their wool and become sheep dogs and wolves, if necessary. We need a leader for the American people, not in spite of the American people.
Mike Emett,
Shepherd, MT