Dear Editor:
Everyone of those Democrat Senators that sat on the Kavanaugh hearings are what I would call despicable human beings.
Feinstein and Blumenthal were the worst in their nauseated and acrimonious statements. From my 50 years of watching and researching the actions of Congress and White House, I have come to the conclusion that all Democrats are this way and not one of them should receive a yes vote on Nov. 6.
They are not the typical Democrats and Liberals of 50 years ago and should be called Communists or MARXISTS because in my mind they act and think that way and they support the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto. They would all be more at home in Albania, Poland, Georgia, or Israel. In Montana those running on the Democrat ticket are Sen. Tester and Mrs. Williams that fall in that category. Lou Dobbs stated yesterday that the Democrat Party has been corrupt for 20 years. He is being generous in my mind. There is lots of history to substantiate this and it goes clear back to FDR.
Arthur Hollowell