I was amazed to learn from Mr. Crisp there is a place for political violence in America. Who would have ever guessed that? In his circular reasoning he somehow comes up with the illogical conclusion that since there is political violence in America, then there is a place for political violence. I guess only a socialist/democrat could ever follow that logic! It is unfortunately true that we have political violence in America, but that certainly doesn’t make a place for it in a civilized society. It is just a fact of life that we need to counter at every opportunity! His logic makes as much sense as “word salad Kamala” explaining to us that blue is blue because blue has always been blue and therefore blue is blue!
Crisp notes a few cases of political violence in our history. What he glosses over is the socialist/democrat party sponsored and encouraged political violence. Antifa, our open southern borders that have brought us murderers, rapists and illegal drugs creating chaos in our society, and our FBI which has targeted parents who dared to stand up at school board meetings to protest transgender rapes of our daughters, sexually explicit books and pamphlets in our classrooms, homosexual grooming of children. Our “journalists” have in concert said all this political violence is wonderful. Crisp criticizes Trump for saying our journalists are the enemy of the people – but how else can it be explained? They certainly don’t have the best interest of the American people in mind.
Crisp says lowering taxes causes inflation. The exact opposite is true. Government spending causes inflation. Lowering taxes brings in more tax revenue because the people who earn the money spend their money on usefully things rather than it being squandered on useless projects and funding politician’s slush funds for their graft. Crisp brags that he went to college but he flunked economics 101.
Crisp’s NATO statement is hilariously stupid. Trump simply told the Europeans that IF they cared about their security, then they needed to step up and fund it. The USA was neither their piggy bank nor their nanny.
Crisp is still trying to defend the integrity of the 2020 election. But many Democrats have been brought to court and found guilty of tampering with the election. Liberal judges have thrown out a hundred or so cases for technical reasons, but as these cases are refiled and progress through our courts we are finding lots of little schemes the Democrats used to throw the election.
The Democrats have long claimed if you disagree with them, then that makes you a liar. Of course, rational people know that if you disagree with someone it just means you disagree! The Democrats disagree with almost everything Trump says, so in their warped thinking that makes Trump a liar. The worst part is our “journalists” have the same mentality as the Democrats! Trump may be disagreeable but that doesn’t make him a liar.
Clint Kegel
Billings, MT