There is a difference between wants and needs

Dear Editor,  

In 1963, I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education and a Master degree in 1991.  After my 1963 graduation, I was hired to teach in the reading clinic at EMC.  I also taught in the Shepherd, Roundup, and the Billings school districts. When not teaching full time, I substituted in all but one school in Billings, including the career center. Now, I feel it is time to save taxpayers money without causing children to have less of an education.

Many families, young and old, in the Shepherd school district, are having difficulty paying their property taxes.  There is a difference between wants and needs especially when spending other people’s money, just ask the politicians.  The kindergarten classes were moved to the elementary building due to air quality issues.  I feel it is time to abolish kindergarten, free up space and use the dollars saved for repairs.  By the time children are in the second grade, no one could tell the difference between those children who had or who had not been in a kindergarten class.  When people were first voting to establish kindergarten, they were told that the cost would be minimal.  At that time, a neighbor told me she was voting for kindergarten to be implemented in the Shepherd school system because she then wouldn’t have to pay for a babysitter.  I don’t think we taxpayers should have to pay for her babysitter.  I am voting no on the school bond.  Let the powers that be go back to the drawing board. 

Vera-Beth Johnson,


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