Well folks, a couple things as we are coming into Christmas holiday week.
First, I always enjoy this time of year as there is so much going on, even when I think I’ll be able to calm down a little, things get even busier.
For example, YCN Sports is in full broadcast mode but we’ll be ready for a short Christmas break. In addition, I’ve really enjoyed having my son Anderson and Dad at my side at all our Sports Broadcast along the way. It makes for a fun family affair.
Second, we are getting to the end of the year so we are already planning for next year. After looking at this current year compared to last year, we are already ahead and doing better than we projected. However, I’m also cautious of over stating what I think we can do for next year but rest assure, we’ve made it 5 years since taking the helm of this fiscal-minded hyper-local newspaper. I hope to be able to fine tune a couple things for next year but only time will tell.
On another note, As we take this time to celebrate Christmas, I also invite you to also think about the real meaning of this time of year and why it is recognized as a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. I’m always in amazement of all the giving that goes on especially this time of year.
I especially remember one Christmas growing up when our family was the recipient of giving. We were a family of nine and poor in statue but rich in love. I was probably about 6 or 7 years old when it happened. Our parents did what they could to provide for 7 kids and I remember one Christmas when we heard a loud knock at the door one evening and someone left a refrigerator box full of food, presents, and clothes sitting on our front porch. As we had a long driveway, we never did see a car or truck drive out but some people spent time placing all the supplies in the refrigerator box on our front porch before leaving.
To this day, our family never did find out who it was from but please know it was greatly remembered. It’s these kinds of acts that encourage my hope in humanity. Since then, I’ve been blessed to be in a situation to do the same and pass it forward this time of year. I hope you and yours also take the time to reflect on the important things in life this holiday season.
Until then, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
See you in the paper.