Dear Editor,
I am tired, ad nauseum, of political ads attempting to persuade me that their candidate espouses “Montana Values” or that in order to have “Montana Values” one needs to have been born in Montana. If political lynching and character assassination embody “Montana Vaues”, then leave me out of it, I want no part of it.
The clock is ticking towards high noon during the recent hearing for Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, and just like in the movies, here comes Senator Feinstein and her last minute attack on Kavanaugh’s character. Spare me the facts, what we have here is an allegation… an allegation that is over 35 years old and impossible to substantiate. We get to let the clock keep ticking for several days in an attempt to derail the final vote. Out of the woodwork, like so many “wack-a-moles,” comes one allegation after another. Whatever happened to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Where was “due process?” Where was the centuries old precept that one is innocent until proven guilty?
Tick, tick, tick… like Gary Cooper, Brett Kavanaugh is forced to wait for high noon in order to consummate his fate. Like Cooper, he forced to face so many indignities to his character as he waits. Unlike Cooper, his family, including little girls, are forced into this gunfight. The Democrat-led posse is ready to hang the sheriff. DiFi, no stranger to controversy (see Catellus, California land grab), makes the opening salvo of pot-shots at the Supreme Court nominee. She is followed by others, not the least Cory “Spartacus” Booker, a sexual predator in his own journal writing.
The Democrat party has supported the likes of former President Bill Clinton, a sexual predator in his own right, as well as Keith Ellison, who is charged with domestic abuse by his former live-in. How come all the outrage against an unverified allegation that is decades old and without proven merit?
Brett Kavanaugh is finally confirmed after an unparalleled witch-hunt that bore no poison apples. No thanks to our senator, Jon Tester, who is a dupe of his party, and a lapdog to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. If Jon Tester is such a paragon, why did he shoot down the nomination of Ronny Jackson? Why did he vote against the Supreme Court candidate who had unfounded, unproven allegations made against him by less than credible people? When Jon Tester speaks of his Montana roots, I want to puke. I have lived in this great state, by my choice, not an accident of birth, and have more idea of what Montana value are than Mr. Tester (Senator, if you like). I like the spirit of the state, the attitude of the hard-working farmers and ranchers, and the glory of the pristine countryside that is Montana.
Today, President Donald Trump referred to members of the Democratic Party as a “mob.” I wholeheartedly agree after some of the nasty shenanigans perpetrated; chasing Conservatives out of public areas, the Bastille-like performance at the Supreme Court… just to mention a couple. I am NOT endorsing Rosendale with this opinion page, but asking all like-minded Montanans to vote. Vote your conscience, not your party. If you don’t like the Constitution or Bill of Rights, it is your choice to vote the way you believe. If you believe in what this nation stands for, what this state is all about, you know what you need to do as well.
Where’s the smoking gun? It’s in Jon Tester’s hands. He demonstrates that he is unfit to represent Montana.
Mike Emett