Dear Editor,
After reading Krayton Kerns for years, I have had a revelation. His “ruling class” is neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties seem to be bought and paid for, they don’t represent we the people. We don’t have a republic; we have a monarchy of the rich by the rich for the rich. Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the IMF control US.
As for Jose Bustos letter I don’t think Carl can ask for that tax break back as you can’t give back something you never saw or received. The only cuts I have seen is in education, nutrition, housing, addiction rehab, and medical treatment. All of which make people feel worthless, depressed and anxious, angry, and more prone to addictions.
History repeats itself; the Israelites would follow God for a few years then follow other gods and all hell would tear loose. The USA started out as a God-fearing nation; we are now following other gods. Try breaking an addiction or bad habit but skip church a couple days and soon you no longer go. We have turned our back on God.
Lauris Byxbe
Pompey’s Pillar