Dear Editor,
Today Senator Tester responded to my recent inquiry about DC statehood stating, “I believe it is wrong that thousands of active-duty service members and veterans don’t have real representation in Congress.” I believe it is important to put Senator Tester’s response in perspective.
Washington, D.C. was established by Congress the year after the Constitution became effective, specifying its creation (art. I, § 8, cl. 17), from 61 sq. miles ceded by Maryland and Virginia to serve as the national capital distinct and distinguished from any state. The Constitution specifically provides for a separation of powers, not just between the federal branches, but also between the states and the federal government. As such it was believed the national capital must not be subject to the jurisdiction of any state.
The federal interests of the 671,803 residents (2022 Census est.) of D.C. are represented by 535 part-time resident legislators, their staff, and the entire leadership of both the administrative and judicial branches. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (2020) reports 754,454 people are employed in D.C., of which about a 1/3 are in federal jobs, providing additional influence. As result D.C. residents effectively have orders of magnitude more representation than the residents of Montana or any other state.
Regarding the 9,852 active and 4,239 reserve duty military (as of 2017), they have a right to vote in their home states.
Senator Tester was elected to represent Montanans. I wish he would consider that as he advocates for the neighbors of his second home.
Ray W. Sheldon