Take a serious look at County Auditor Scott Turner

Dear Editor:

John Ostlund, Bill Kennedy and I were the commissioners on duty when a tornado rained havoc on our MetraPark Arena. During this gut-retching time, we called upon the community to help us rebuild this vital venue. Nine months later, Bill Dutcher and his crews were able to host a state basketball tournament. The rebuild was only possible through the guidance and labor of many caring players like CTA, PayneWest, High Tech Contraction (now Dick Anderson), many area contractors plus a very smart County Chief Financial Officer – SCOTT TURNER.  Scott cares about taxpayers and commissioners wisely followed his fiscal advice.   Scott Turner made sure we had adequate insurance protection and county reserves necessary to rebuild Metra.

With the retirement of Auditor Debby Hernandez, the commissioners appointed Scott to complete her term. As a CPA, he knows the job. Scott is now seeking a full term as auditor. Scott Turner does not believe the job should be political and has chosen not to campaign. Now that is refreshing.

I hope you will take a serious look at County Auditor Scott Turner. I’ll be voting for him and perhaps you will too.

Jim Reno


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