Tag Archives: TJ Smith

Conservatice Corner: A Shadow Campaign

Remembering a morning walk through Ann Morrison Park years ago…we move from under a canopy of trees into the bright sunshine. Our toddler son runs into the bright sunlight first. He stops. Looking at the ground he slowly lifts one foot up, then the other. He sprints in a circle looking down shouting, “Don’t like it! Don’t like it!” His mother bends down and gently asks, “Don’t like what?” He jumps into her arms and points to his shadow.

His older sister begins to laugh uncontrollably. I crack a big grin myself. This is serious business for him, though. My wife explains to him that it is just his shadow, and continues read more

Conservative Corner: Drug Dealing the DC Way

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during 2023 roughly 75,000 US citizens died from synthetic opioids. The Obama administration might have explained this away as the “new norm.” They said “new norm” began in 2013 and continued … read more