Tag Archives: Steve Arveschoug

One Big Sky proposal heads to Billings City Council

Originally published in the 4/6/18 print edition of Yellowstone County News

BILLINGS — Stating that the only reason the One Big Sky Center project has stalled “is because of what people don’t know about the project,” Kris Carpenter, Chairwoman of the Billings Chamber of Commerce Board, was joined by a host of others to persuade members of the City Council to approve a request of $100,000 to help fund a planning study for the two districts that comprise the project.

The project is “about what could be, in our community,” said Carpenter, in speaking at The Strategy Partnership for One Big Sky District (OBSD) Development and the Council, last week.

“It’s a transformative project,” declared Randy Hafer, a downtown developer and business owner.

Mike Nelson, owner of the Northern Hotel, said he is being kept awake nights with the excitement at the prospect of the proposed project.

The City Council is expected to read more

Economic group mulls move to former Battin Building

Originally published in the print edition 5/12/17 of YCN.  BILLINGS — It’s a “wild idea,” admits Billings’ economic development leader Steve Arveschoug, but to consider locating Big Sky Economic Development (BSED) on the ground floor of the former federal Battin … read more

Proposed TEDD covers 570 acres in Lockwood area

Originally published in the Yellowstone County News print edition by Evelyn Pyburn.   LOCKWOOD — Boundaries for the proposed Targeted Economic Development District (TEDD) in Lockwood have been set and the process to create the special tax jurisdiction is nearing … read more