Tag Archives: Shepherd Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Old house in Shepherd becomes new home in Ballantine

The former parsonage of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Shepherd took to the road on Wednesday to start a new life as home to a Ballantine family. New owner Nicole Donnally said her family first saw the house was available about a year ago and arranged to move it to Ballantine. 'It's taken a while,' she said Wednesday. She expected the move to take at least all day Wednesday and possibly Thursday. The house left Shepherd at 8:45 a.m. and cleared the Yellowstone River Bridge at Huntley about 1:15 p.m. Moving the house required moving one cable line and around 40 power lines. (Jonathan McNiven photo)

The former parsonage of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Shepherd took to the road on Wednesday to start a new life as home to a Ballantine family. New owner Nicole Donnally said her family first saw the house was available about a year ago and arranged to move it to Ballantine. ‘It’s taken a while,’ she said Wednesday. She expected the move to take at least all day Wednesday and possibly Thursday. The house left Shepherd at 8:45 a.m. and cleared the Yellowstone River Bridge at Huntley about 1:15 p.m. Moving the house required moving one cable line and around 40 power lines. (Jonathan McNiven-Yellowstone County News photo)