Ty Thompson, at left, speaks at Pat Goggins’ funeral Wednesday morning as Rev. Dave Reichling listens. More than 800 people attended the Mass at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church. (Judy Killen photo)
SHEPHERD — People across Yellowstone County this week remembered Pat Goggins as a shrewd businessman, livestock auction pioneer and friend who was always generous, especially to people who needed it most.
Goggins, who owned PAYS and Billings Livestock auction companies and the Western Ag Reporter as well as several ranches and a real estate company, died Dec. 31. He was 85.
More than 800 people attended a funeral Mass for Goggins Wednesday at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church in Billings officiated by Rev. Dave Reichling.
People came from across Montana, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming for the funeral.
“This is the day I’ve been kind of dreading for a long time,” Rev. Reichling said. “But there’s joy in my heart because he was such a strong believer.”
Reichling knew Goggins well, both as a faithful parishioner and as a family friend, attending holiday celebrations and summer picnics hosted by the Goggins family.
Then there were the road trips. Goggins consigned him to a trip to his Diamond Ring Ranch in Custer County near Miles City a few years ago. After being waved off by a highway patrolman after a speeding stop, they arrived at the ranch where Goggins asked
Reichling to bless the fields and livestock and pray for rain. He asked Reich to sprinkle holy water over a dry creek bed.
Two days later, rain flooded the ranch, which Reichling attributed to Goggins’ faith.
A similar trip to Goggins’ Pryor Creek Ranch ended with a similar blessing and prayer. Goggins leaped out of their vehicle and began “shouting to the heavens, ‘I believe it will happen!'”
“Two days later, it did,” Reichling said.
Reichling said Goggins always carried the light of Christ given to his parents and godparents at his baptism as an infant.
“Indeed, he did, he carried the light of Jesus Christ” in his daily actions and his care for his family, employees and friends, Reichling said. “I’m sure Pat is just smiling down, seeing this wonderful crowd here.”
Reichling had never seen more people — or more flowers — in the church for a funeral.
Goggins brushed against death several times, Reichling noted, and received the Sacrament of the Last Rites — prayers given to a dying person — “A number of times, but he always read more