The Billings Times has been located at 2919 Montana Avenue since 1898. The printing business will continue operation as it has since 1891. (photo by John Warner)
by Ed Kemmick, (republished with permission)
As of today, you can add one more name to the list of roughly 2,500 American newspapers that have folded in the past 20 years.
As Publisher Scott Turner announced today on Page 1 of The Billings Times, this is the final issue of a weekly newspaper that has been published continuously since 1891.
It’s not like losing the Rocky Mountain News (Denver, 2009), but it’s still a sad occasion. I know it was a hard decision for Scott. His father, Bill Turner, moved his family from Nebraska to Billings in 1960 to work for The Times’ print shop on Montana Avenue, then ended up buying the business in 1978.
Scott worked as a delivery boy for the print shop and addressed and bagged up the newspapers every Thursday for delivery to the post office during his three years at Billings Senior High, and after some years away he went to work for his father full time in 1989. When Bill died in 2009, Scott and his brother, Craig, took over the business. Craig’s son, Kelly, joined The Times as a pressman in 1998 and now runs the read more