Here, quality of patch work all along the Yellowstone River bridge near Huntley raises safety concerns from local residents for vehicles and those traveling over the bridge. This photo was taken August 14, 2024 as the rough surface continues to concern passersby. (Gage McNiven photo)
Community members lament the aging Huntley/Shepherd bridge repairs, with many wondering if the cracks were better than the repairs. Walt Houghton, Maintenance Chief of DOT Billings Division, has communicated that repair options are limited, and they are attempting stave off the elements until the bridge’s scheduled replacement in the next couple years.
The Highway 312 Bridge over the Yellowstone River in Huntley was built in 1949, and in November 2023 was nominated for replacement, entering the planning stages. In October this year the Montana Department of transportation (MDT) will meet and decide on its Tentative Construction Plan and whether HWY-312 bridge has found the funding and support needed to make it into the five-year plan. In the meantime, MDT is attempting to read more