Tag Archives: Matt Benowitz

Traditional clinical treatment is not accessible, affordable, or even effective on its own

Dear Editor,

The definition of insanity is repeating an action while expecting different results. There are few issues with as many missed opportunities as veterans’ health and quality-of-life. Whether lacking creativity or undervaluing individualism, current programs are not fully serving those who served us. Throwing hospitals, doctors, and outreach initiatives at the problem has not inhibited an unacceptably high rate of adverse outcomes for veterans, especially suicide.

Traditional clinical treatment is not accessible, affordable, or even effective on its own. Reintegration requires tremendous vulnerability. Too much time in medical settings is psychologically detrimental. It is a positive feedback loop: “Here I am again. Something is really wrong.” Veterans need to be fulfilled in their lives, engaged in their communities, and comfortable in their own skin. Rehabilitation and counseling centers are just one piece of the puzzle. Over two-thirds of veterans who commit suicide never seek support.

The VHA’s Behavioral Health Autopsy Program studies thousands of suicides, trying to pinpoint warning signs. The three highest risk factors for veteran suicide are read more