Tag Archives: John Mercer

Next time it could be your community they target.

Dear Editor:

“Obfuscation” – to make obscure or unintelligible.

Gov. Steve Bullock and his party have been considered very environmentally conscious, but it seems they are forging a new direction.

North Dakota is not currently allowing the disposal of Bakken oilfield radioactive or hazardous garbage. But the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is moving briskly to welcome a veritable torrent of those toxic materials to a site near a Sidney subdivision and rural school.

Imagine having your home on a scenic plateau overlooking the Yellowstone Valley, and being told you will soon live less than a half-mile downwind from a dump for hundreds of thousands of tons of N.D.’s radioactive/hazardous garbage.

The DEQ says they are revising regulations related to read more