Tag Archives: Henry Kriegel

McNiven’s Meanderings: Post debate reflections and current happenings

Well, folks, I sigh a sense of relief now that the MT GOP Senate Primary Debate/forum is over that Yellowstone County News co-sponsored last night at the Elks Club in Billings.

I learned a lot about each candidate and thought they all did a great job. If I counted correctly (and my common core math worked), we had about 120-130 people at the event along with radio listeners across the state on 24 stations (According to Jon Arneson) along with KULR-8 Television’s Facebook live stream along with our own Facebook live stream we shared.

It is definitely a lot of work to coordinate with tv, radio and a live audience. As that was my first time, I guess it went ok but there were personally some things I’d do differently next time to help prepare but that’s how you learn. Jump in head first!

I want to thank my staff at the Yellowstone County News who all understand my nervousness, focus, and being patient when they kinds of events happen. It affects all members of our team in one way or another in preparing, following up, covering, pictures, and then pulling off big events like this.

As a side note, YCN never even asked to be a sponsor of this Senate forum and event nor did we even pursue to be involved. However, I was just asked to be a moderator as some in the original committee said that Yellowstone County News sponsored the Billings Mayoral Debate last Fall and did a great job so they wanted us to be involved again. So, we got involved! And I’m glad that we did.

Also thank you to Judy Trenka (Big Tent Dinner) and Henry Kriegel (Montana’s for Tax Reform) for all their heavy lifting as well to prepare for the event. Thank you to Paul Patek as he was the timer and volunteers who also helped out at the event.

I’m also grateful for Evelyn Pyburn who is one of our YCN reporters who also put in many hours in getting questions together and planning together with me and the committee. As I’ve known Evelyn for many years as I also grew up with her kids in school, she is a great support to our newspaper and appreciate all that she does. Words can’t express enough her caliber and depth of knowledge she brings to her stories and understanding of complex situations.

I heard from a number of voters and attendees at the forum and I heard from three unsolicited but respected people that told me that Dr. Al Olszewski read more