Over 1,500 Dig It Days 2024 T-shirt will be given away for free to kids, teenagers and adults until shirts are gone.
Getting a Dig It Days t-shirt has come to be a tradition at MontanaFair. This year’s t-shirt is a bright green, one that you won’t want to miss.
Among the many give-aways at Dig It Days are one thousand t-shirts each of the two days – Friday and Saturday, August 16 and 17. There was a shortage of larger sizes last year, so more of the larger sizes were ordered this year. They are given away on a first come, first serve basis so don’t miss getting your t-shirt.
All our major sponsors are recognized for their tremendous support of Dig It Days with logos placed on the back. Dig It Days would not be remotely possible if it weren’t for the contributions and hard work of our sponsors, so be sure and tell them thank you when you have an opportunity.
Everything at Dig It Days is free, and this year entry into MontanaFair can also be free by picking up a complimentary ticket at one of our sponsor locations.
Dig it Days is meant for kids, teenagers and adults to have fun and learn about the construction and energy industries. It’s an opportunity for read more