Dick Hatfield, resident of Laurel, Montana, visited the Yellowstone County News booth at MontanaFair encountering Jonathan after some 30 years from teaching him how to play the harmonica. (Jonathan McNiven Photo)
Originally published in the 9/1/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News.
Some 30 years later, I had an older gentleman passing by the Yellowstone County News’ booth at the MontanaFair when he was looking at the TV screen with a business card on it that had the name of Jonathan McNiven on it.
He stopped dead in his tracks and then said to me, “Jonathan McNiven? Are you Jonathan McNiven?”
I quickly responded with my hand outstretched as to shake his, “Well, it depends,” jokingly I said with a smile.
He said, while he shook my hand, “I taught you how to play the harmonica a long time ago when you were a little boy at the Billings Night Rodeo when you were about 8-9 years old at the Ramada Inn off Mullowney Lane.”
I immediately said, “Dick Hatfield?” with a question in my voice. He said, “Yes, I am Dick Hatfield.”
I burst out loud with excitement and said, read more