Tag Archives: Delet Madler

Robert Guenther resigns from Lockwood Fire Board

Originally published in the Print edition on 4/14/17.

LOCKWOOD — The Lockwood Fire Board is looking for candidates to fill the position recently vacated by the resignation of Robert Guenther.

Applications may be acquired at the office of county commissioners at the Yellowstone County Courthouse.

A committee from the board will review the applications and make a recommendation to submit to Yellowstone County Commissioners, who will make the final decision as to the board replacement.

In discussing board membership at their April 5 meeting, it was noted that Frosty Erben has been reelected by acclamation to the board, because no other candidates filed for his term, which expired in March.

Board members also named a negotiation committee to meet with Lockwood firefighters on May 12 to negotiate a new contract.

Fire Chief John Staley announced that he had read more