Tag Archives: David Crisp

Between the Lines: A few notes about the election:

* It’s striking how quickly Republicans have moved from blaming the last four years on Joe Biden to blaming them on Kamala Harris. It’s as though they have forgotten how limited the powers of the vice president are.

John Nance Garner famously characterized the vice presidency as not worth “a bucket of warm spit,” even though the actual term he used was more scatological. Disparagement of the vice president’s powers go back to our earliest days as a country. When our first vice president, John Adams, wondered how he should be addressed as president of the Senate, Benjamin Franklin suggested, “His superfluous Excellency.” A senator suggested the portly Adams be referred to as “His rotundity.”

* Critics of Harris discount the read more

Farewell to a Billings Institution, Billings Times Prints Final Newspaper

by Ed Kemmick, (republished with permission) As of today, you can add one more name to the list of roughly 2,500 American newspapers that have folded in the past 20 years. As Publisher Scott Turner announced today on Page 1 … read more