Tag Archives: Aaron Flint

Self-Proclaimed ‘Pro-Gun’ Jon Tester Gets an F from the NRA

As the U.S. Senate race in Montana heats up, both candidates are placing as many last-minute ads as they can. A prominent issue in several of these ads is federal firearms regulation. Jon Tester’s campaign recently placed billboard advertisements that, among other things, claim that he is ‘pro-gun’. Tim Sheehy, on the other hand, has been running newspaper ads pointing out that Tester has an F-rating from the NRA, while he has an A.

In fact, Jon Tester does have an F-rating from the NRA. The NRA website describes candidates with an F-rating as the following:

“True enemy of gun owners’ rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners’ rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

The NRA has pointed to read more

Local conservative talk radio show now on air

BILLINGS — A veteran broadcaster and political has launched a new Billings-based talk radio show, “Montana Talks.” Aaron Flint hosts the morning talk radio show weekdays from 6 to 10. “I think you can safely say it is a conservative … read more