Dear Editor,
So now we’ve had another major wreck on Main Street in the Billings Heights. Where was the Billings Police Department (BPD)?
More than likely hiding behind their super-secret police radios nobody can hear discussing where the freshest donuts in town could be found or maybe playing Solitaire on their in-car computers.
Folks, think back on when was the last time you saw a BPD actually performing their duty of traffic control. You never see it. At one time I knew a member of the BPD who is now a captain, and he told me flat out that on each shift only two officers are on duty for traffic control. I thought all police were on duty for traffic control all the time. If BPD actually did their job, we wouldn’t see constant cell phone use while driving, running of stop signs and freight training through red lights. I travel the length of Main Street several times a week and get passed by cars doing 50-60mph every time and not a single BPD anywhere in sight. Billings City Council, it’s time for a new chief. And Chief, if you think you need more officers, write more tickets and you will be able to afford them without another mill levy.
Dave Salys
Billings Heights