Dear Editor,
Stop the Expansion of County Government
I recently read with great interest that John Staley, a candidate for Yellowstone County Commission, supports a five-member board of county commissioners, up from the current three members. How wrongheaded.
Back in the 1980s, it was decided by the Board that over a six-year period, which is also the length of a commissioner term, each would serve two years as the chair of the commission, regardless of party. This working arrangement has served well for almost 40 years. Imagine with a bloated five-member commission all of the horse trading of support and backroom deals as they all fight for position and chair responsibilities.
This would not increase representation. Quite the opposite. Right now, removing one member through the ballot box can bring about real change. Not so with five members. Increasing the board will just lead to more dealmaking for votes and hiding from accountability.
By the way, the last time a Montana county commission went from three to five members was in Ravalli County. After a decade of regret, voters cast in excess of 70% of their ballots to go back to three members.
People have been telling me Staley is actually a democrat. This past year, then Chief Staley, led the charge to take advantage of the massive market value increases from the last property reappraisal by the State to increase taxes on Lockwood Fire District’s taxpayers by 24%.
Staley is trying to make an issue about Commissioners not having built a bigger jail years ago. The City of Billings and County have collaboratively worked together to plan and start construction on the Short-Term Detention Facility. A future jail expansion is in process to increase inmate capacity at YCDF. I know these facts as I attend the Commissioners’ public meetings weekly. I have only seen Staley there twice.
I am a USMC veteran. Please join me in voting for retired Lt. Colonel Mike Waters, US Air Force. Veterans love America and Mike will do right by Yellowstone County citizens.
Lou Moffet