Soros Persuasion is on The Ballot

Dear Editor,

 Joe “B, B, B Biden” could be our next President, but will he be “calling the shots” based on his background and experience – after all he is 79 years old?  Or will his old mentor, ex-president Obama, be “providing direction” from his estate just a few miles from the White House? 

This is a concern for we Deplorables who put Donald Trump in the saddle as President.  We appreciate the more reasonable tax codes President Trump was able to effect, the obscene Federal regulations he erased from Obama’s record, the efforts he is making to get more equitable trade practices with our neighbors and China, and especially the jobs that weren’t here under Obama’s reign.

Obama (and his Democrat cohorts) is/are only comfortable with a nation of sheep – not a nation of responsible, thinking adults, a nation of “deplorables.” His mentor, George Soros, has made a reputation as a financier with some very high dollar and risky, successful plays in the international market.  With the wealth he created, he is trying to reshape American into a socialist country, and Obama is his stooge/front man.   They want a weaker Globalist United States, like the socialist countries of France, Sweden, Germany, and Venezuela where the central government controls all activity.  (Did you know that although Germany has formations in its country similar to our Bakken, and they could be energy independent – but all mineral rights belong to the government, and fracking is forbidden?  They buy their natural gas from Russia.)

If you have a Democrat (of the current “Soros” persuasion) as a friend, you don’t need enemies.  Vote Trump.

Stuart Deans


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