Dear Editor,
Clint Kegel, Sir, you hit the nail right on the pointed head of David Crisp. You expose the lies he spits out and Crisp could care less about what YCN readers think, as he’s getting paid for his bile. Crisp, and all the phonies we have exposed, allow for YCN readers to see what their true colors are. A bouquet to Senor(s) McNiven and Marino of the YCN for allowing us to speak truthfully. Sadly, Sir, we don’t get paid for speaking the truth. What Crisp still has not explained to YCN readers is the reason he lost the “Outpost” bird cage liner. It has to be due to the same chunder he wraps in a respected newspaper such as the YCN. Amazing!
Jen J. Larson, “Ol’ Blue Tears of Joy.” We still have not been told your gender, so with due respect, Mam/Sir, I will continue to use both pro-nouns until I know what gender respect to extend. Your “beautiful global representation” has finally come to fruition, hasn’t it? With the global representation of millions of illegals breaking the laws of America by coming here uninvited. Oh dear… forgive me, the illegitimate Cadaver in the White House actually did invite them and encourage them to break our laws, didn’t he? And you liberal UI’s actually condone lawbreaking.
Now some truth is starting to surface about the UI illegally occupying the White House, in the fact that the Dem party no longer has any use, (hence, Useful Idiot title), for this guy, so they are now formulating plans to replace him. The Western Journal reports that Biden staffers are now bailing like late night cock-roaches on Jill Biden’s kitchen walls.
Mr. Kegel, you are so right in your observation of ALL Biden appointees. They are all incompetent, liars and charlatans, but then what can you expect from Barack Hussein Obunga?, It’s not Biden running the communist show, it’s his former boss in his third Obunga term. Everybody knows that, yet the media and left continue to protect him simply because of his color. He was secretly more effective in damaging America than the current Cadaver, as Obunga really hurt America and everybody was afraid of being called a “racist” if you stood up to him. I for one am NOT afraid to speak the truth… Obunga is a communist and a traitor to America, but then what does it matter to him to hurt Americans? As Obunga is not American, and everybody knows that, too!
Pat Plowman, good observation Mam. Yes, you see it as Mr. Kegel, YCN patriots and myself see the destruction Obunga/Biden have brought to America. And the only one that will bring us out of this demonic Demoncrat lawlessness is Our Lord Himself, none other. When it happens, the liberals will not accept the change, saying “conservatives cheated.”
Those of us that believe know who is going to step on the necks of the deep state… 45/47
MSgt. Jose A. Bustos, jr. USAF/USA (Ret)