Dear Editor,
Jen J. Larson, Sir/Ma’am, you are a PROUD LIAR! (I still don’t know your gender). I qualify that by the fact that the GIM (godless imbecilic moron) that is illegally occupying the Oval Office just cut 11,000 jobs by killing the XL Pipeline. Then there are the peripheral support jobs that may be twice that! I’m sure you are PROUD of that, too! And you also say you have respect for views of each side… LIAR again. You laud your liberal votes, views, and opinions only, Sir/Ma’am.
Again, you are a LIAR when you say that GIM won the popular vote. Yeh, with 22 cars and 44 people showing up at his five or six rallies, and President Trump won the election with 73-79 million votes, the greatest land slide in American voting history. The theft of this election, and indictments forthcoming, will eventually be frontline news, and GIM and your ilk will be gnashing of your dentures and pulling your hair out.
How do you expect YCN to print a win for GIM when he did NOT win? Senor McNiven will continue to be an honest publication and print only the truth – something you hate!
Krayton Kerns is on top of it by saying that future election fraud is the new norm, and I add that liberals (they don’t deserve a capital L) will choose their immoral liars as well with impunity. Gary Fitzpatrick comments that liberals’ “violence in support of their hate is applauded,” something else we know you are proud of, as ALL liberals love hatred (oxymoron?), deceit, and violence.
For you and union members that voted for GIM, you must feel some type of remorse, don’t you? The loss of 8000 union jobs hurts your brothers and sisters in uniform. And the peripheral support businesses (thrice that of union jobs) that are now looking down the barrel of bankruptcy, e.g., restaurants, corner gas stations, family-owned grocery stores, hair shops… what do you expect them to do?
How about moms and dads whose children will be in the sports dressing rooms and some transgender deviate is allowed into the room with those children? Sir/Mam, are you also PROUD that now GIM is going to allow trans-change-outs to enter the dressing rooms with children?
GIM also wants “build back better” on Obungacare, and we know the damage that has done to America. An exorbitant monthly premium and an astronomical deductible. PROUD
Are you PROUD of this: you can’t count on even one hand any good bill that GIM, his boss Obunga and Hillary collectively have put into law that has helped Americans? And GIM spent nearly half a century receiving a government check – rewards for “0” production.
And you probably sided with Senator Daines on his stabbing President Trump that endorsed him for re-election, i.e., Daines reneged on his promise to object to the fraudulent electoral college vote certification and became a traitor like Mike Pence.
How about the crimes of Hunter Biden? Are they pardoned? Sir/Madam, answer us.
Jose A. Bustos, Jr.
MSgt. USAF/Mt.
NG/ANG (Ret)
Billings, MT