by Norma McNiven
In their rather lengthy monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, the Shepherd School Board moved forward in preparation for the May 7 bond election, rehired all three principals for next year, created a new position of District Transportation Assistant and approved the person to fill the position, listened to and questioned Bridget Ekstrom from D.A. Davidson about taxes on the new and old bond issues, and aligned the contract of the curriculum director to match up with the date on the superintendent’s contract.
The timeline for the special bond election for new construction and extensive remodeling required the board to move forward with approving the language on the ballot concerning the new bond issue on the May 7. It also approved the Request for Proposals (RFP) for architects to be published in the Yellowstone County News for the next three consecutive weeks beginning on Feb. 15, 2019. This is a pre-bond issue that has to be completed to follow the law according to Jeff Kanning from Collaborative Design who was in attendance at the meeting.
On the recommendation of District Superintendent Scott Carter, who has evaluated each, the Shepherd School Board rehired Autumn Kring as elementary principal, Rich Hash as middle school principal, and KJ Poepping as high school principal for the 2019-2020 school year. CLICK HERE to read more