Shepherd School Approves 6th Graders to Play Junior High Football

In a special board meeting this week, Shepherd’s Elementary Board members voted to allow 6th graders to join the junior high football program this fall. Josh Casares, the new Head Football Coach who was hired last week for the high school team spoke to the board about his concerns as being on the job for now a week overseeing the school’s football program. “I understand the vision on why we want to do it, but my concern is there’s not many schools in our area that are actually doing 6th, 7th and 8th grade football.” The only other two teams right now in the area that allow 6th graders in junior high football include Joliet and Roundup. Huntley Project told Casares that they only do 7th and 8th graders in junior high football at this time. “I don’t know if we’re going to be able to provide an actual … Read Full story online here. 

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