SHEPHERD — The Shepherd High School football game against Joliet has been rescheduled.
Regardless of who wins when the teams meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 22 in Shepherd, it won’t be a forfeit.
“Something positive, for us, happened,” said Jeff Armstrong, activities director at Shepherd High School on Friday. “Better for our kids, better for our fans… it’s important that we play.”
The high school activities association encouraged both schools to reschedule the game, Armstrong said.
The Shepherd team initially forfeited to Joliet on Aug. 28 — giving Joliet a 2-0 win — when school officials realized the team hadn’t practiced 12 times as required by the Montana High School Association. Last week, Armstrong said he was attempting to reschedule the game, but Joliet hadn’t agreed.
In numerous conversations with representatives of Joliet High School and the Montana High School Association, “we offered every viable solution,” Armstrong said.
Joliet agreed to play Shepherd during its bye week.
“I told them anytime, anywhere,” Armstrong said. Joliet preferred to have Shepherd host, and they settled on Oct. 22.
The next night, Oct. 23, Shepherd travels to rival Huntley Project for a 7 p.m. game so it’s two in a row for the Shepherd Mustangs.
Armstrong said representatives of the Montana High School Association are going to look at, and possibly amend, the regulation that gives football teams a 12-day window to complete 12 practices. He said the allowed practice start date may change.
“They need to look at that” window, he said. But ultimately, he said, “We did the right thing by not playing the game,” which would have violated state rules. Now, “we get to play it.”
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