Sheehy’s Sudden Reversal on Climate Change

Dear Editor,

 Upon reading the Huffington Post article about Sheehy’s sudden reversal on climate change, I felt compelled to voice my concerns. I approach the climate change agenda skeptically. I value honesty and consistency from leaders.

Is Sheehy right for Montana with no experience or formerly expressed interest in government? Or, is Congressman Matt Rosedale (who is expected to announce for the Senate) who has served in the Montana House, Montana Senate, State Auditor, and two terms in the U.S. House? Do experience and demonstrated leadership matter?

While the HuffPost is liberal, they raise solid questions that Sheehy will experience if he faces Senator Tester. Is climate change the “wonderful cause” Sheehy used to promote or the “climate cult” he is calling it on the campaign trail? It’s one thing to change your mind on climate change; it’s another to exploit it for political advancement. Democrats are sure to ask “why his company website got scrubbed of climate activism before he filed?”

Huffington says “For years, Tim was outspoken about the need to combat global climate change, even publicly supporting a major initiative to curb emissions.” In a presentation to investors, Tim’s company boasted that its mission is to “directly attack CO2 emissions to combat climate change.” The California climate package that impressed Sheehy so much contained billions for wildfires, but also funded Green New Deal-esque initiatives including $3.9 billion for electric vehicle investments and grants for environmental justice projects.

I also have questions about his being a “cultural newcomer”; does he understand the landscape? My friend Curtis Bowers in his documentary Agenda, Grinding America Down tells of being encouraged to quietly go to a Communist Party USA meeting at Berkley in 1992. One of their goals was to infiltrate the institutions of America. To destroy free market business, they would push the environmental movement. I wonder if Tim, a history major in 2008, is aware of the environmental movements stated goal of taking America down financially? Or, has he ever heard of the Cloward-Piven strategy to break America economically? At some point, cultural savvy matters.

What we need in D.C. is another former Navy Seal say Daines and Gianforte as they endorse Sheehy in a primary race? Yes, forget background, money is what matters says Daines! Meanwhile, Bloomberg is asking about “Key GOP Senate Recruit Seeks Job Overseeing His Largest Customer (the government)” an interesting question. Other media sources are pointing to his own company’s code of business ethics that has rules about politics on company time – and much more.

Montana deserves a consistent conservative voice that stands firm in their convictions, not altering their stance based on political convenience. Congressman Rosendale is that voice.


Dick Pence


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