Dear Editor,
If we want to keep our representative form of government, change is critical. Our Senior Senator, Jon Tester, talks conservative when in Montana, but votes with Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer in Washington, DC. We are experiencing an all-out attack on our Constitution, implemented by a weaponized judiciary. What we have seen since Joe Biden illegally came to office, is government tantamount to third world dictatorships. The CIA, FBI and DHS are being used to track and persecute law abiding US Citizens. Merrick Garland, Biden’s Attorney General who has been enthusiastically endorsed by Senator Tester, is in the process of prosecuting misdemeanor trespassers at the Capitol, who were asking for a review of the 2020 election. Many are still in the DC prison, under deplorable conditions, waiting for trial. The Injustice department is now searching for January 6th rally attendees who did not breach the capitol and were not lured in by federal officers. The Injustice Department has labeled parents at school board meetings, pro-life sidewalk counselors exercising their First Amendment rights in front of abortion chambers and Catholic Church attenders as domestic terrorists, subject to surveillance, internet censure and infiltration. School and public female locker rooms are subject to male intrusion, and school boards are pressured by the government to allow men to compete in women’s sports or lose federal money. Meanwhile, nothing has been done to track down and prosecute the Black Lives Matter rioters, who left smashed storefronts, burning vehicles, burned out buildings, and numerous murders in Democrat-controlled municipalities across the US. Instead, Tester and Biden gave billions of dollars of taxpayer money to restore the decimated neighborhoods. Our borders are open, cartels are racking up billions of dollars from human trafficking and drugs, facilitating an enormous increase in crime. The national debt is over 33 TRILLION dollars. Energy prices and overall prices have increased as we see rampant inflation due to a war on fossil fuels and food production. Our children are being indoctrinated in the public school system with “Critical Race Theory” and “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”. Instead of equal opportunity, equal outcome is promoted. Math is racist. Last but not least, taxpayer money in Democrat-controlled states is being used to harass and persecute political opponents in order to control the election this fall. Fortunately, the Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and overturned decrees in Maine, Colorado and Illinois to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.
We need a drastic change in direction this November. Donald Trump and Tim Sheehy can lead us there. As should be apparent from Venezuela, Cuba and Russia, socialism leads to communism and loss of freedom. This November vote for the Constitution and rule of law by firing Joe Biden and Jon Tester. Preserve the republic by electing Donald Trump and Tim Sheehy.
Ed Halland