Dear Editor:

What is with the ongoing soap opera drama regarding the Billings Heights Water District? I have questions. 

Why do we even continue to have a “Heights Water District?” The “Heights” is part of Billings, mostly, right?

Why are Heights residents okay with paying higher water rates than other Billings residents? It’s all the SAME WATER, from the SAME SOURCE! Right?

I might understand a possible need when much of Billings Heights was county, not city. That was a long time ago, however.

Billings residents served by BHWD pay the city, and then turn right around and pay BHWD, again, for staff, operations, insurance, benefit packages, and more.  Are a majority of city Heights residents really okay with this?  Are a majority of the Heights city residents really that complacent?

We live in the Heights and love it. We’ve terrific neighbors, shop locally when we can, and enjoy our lives here. Why do we continue to segregate Billings water service? 

BHWD is not here to save us money. They do not improve the value of the services already provided by the City of Billings, or improve our quality of life. 

BWHD costs us money, compared to other city water residents. What am I not understanding? 

Michael Myers 

Billings, MT

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