Roundabouts are un-American! Your Fancy Education Does Not Know Better

Dear Editor,

So, who’s the doofus that decided we needed another roundout aka roundabout on Highway 312? Probably the same doofus from MDT that told my wife they know what’s best for us. She called and voiced her objection to the roundabout on Bench and Hilltop by Gainan’s and Mr. MDT wouldn’t listen; he’s an engineer.

Roundouts are totally un-American; they are fine in Europe and Mexico but not here. I’ve driven through many in Mexico, and as you’ve all seen on TV, gridlock is the end result. Why? Because all you need is one timid driver at the front of the line, and in less than a minute they have 20-30 cars backed up behind them. We’ve all seen it at Grand and Shiloh, haven’t we? Along with full stops, turn signals and, of course, left hand turns.

I’m not a timid driver, so if you meet me at the roundout, I will win so get out of my way. By now you can tell how much I hate roundouts, I despise them so much I have not and will not spend a dime with any merchant that moves into that mess called Shiloh Crossing. I was a regular customer at Scheel’s until they moved into that circus but no more.

Dave Salys

Ballantine, MT

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One comment on “Roundabouts are un-American! Your Fancy Education Does Not Know Better

  1. Ignorance is bliss. Circular intersections were conceived for automobiles in the US and UK about the same time. The US gave up on refining them to make them safer, while the UK kept tinkering.
    I’d be glad not to share the road with such selfish people, alas, I suspect you will still be lurking elsewhere.