Ridin’ With Biden

Dear Editor,

The Gift That Keeps On Giving, we’ve all heard that phrase.  Biden is the Gaffe That Keeps On Gaffing. 

I am so disappointed, as of the last day in January 2023, the gerontologic senseless halfwit we have “leading” us has not exhibited even one gaffe for the day.  “Be patient, my son, some will say, it’s still early in the day.  So I will keep my hopes up for “blue tears of joy,” oh boy, as our own Jen Larson will proudly say.”  “Ridin’ With Biden” is the name of the horse that came in shamefully in last place in the 2023 Pegasus World Cup race in Florida.  How fitting!  I’m going to recommend to the owners of that horse to put him out to pasture, and the next horse they raise to name him “Triumph with Trump,” then they’ll know they’ll win.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) demands that Biden, take a cognitive test so that the American people can know for sure that our IIC is in fact demented, but then we and the rest of the world already know that.  Oh, I should mention I titled our brilliant, lustrous leader as IIC, or Idiot-In-Charge.  America now is the world’s laughing stock, as Biden is America’s puppet clown, puppeteered by none other than Barack H. Obunga.  He too was illegally in the White House, started and exacerbates the hate movement in America, then gave kindling to the disrespect for law enforcement and the military that now is so pervasive in the bigger cities.

And if that’s not enough, Jill Biden now wants to be titled “Doctor.”  Doctor of what…anthofilia?  Probably due to the putrid pathetic costumes she wears.  Or perhaps it’s a childish imitation of the flowers she must have sold at a farmers’ market.  That woman has no culture, no class, but a clown’s choice for color coordination, and no poise!  But then, what better than a clown married to a clown?

Biden’s attack on pro-life… an apostasy!  Biden then requests communion after placing his hand on the Bible and swearing to protect life?  I’m surprised the Catholic church will even allow for him to step into a sacred church.  Then Biden ordered the arrest and indictment of at least another eleven pro-life middle-aged and elderly individuals for protesting outside an abortion clinic.  Shamefully Biden’s Antifa and BLM criminals are not even charged for looting, burning and the murder of Ashley Babbitt, by Lt. Michael Byrd.  Byrd of course is black, yet a conservative of any other color would have been indicted, found guilty and executed by Merritt Garland, with the approval of our IIC.

Criminally again, the heavily armed FBI arrested those two dads in front of their kids, placing them in handcuffs as though they were flight risks.  Now those families are burdened with who knows how much in legal costs.  

Let’s Go Brandon!

Jose A. Bustos, Jr. MSgt. 


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