About 40 Shepherd residents gathered Tuesday evening in opposition to a revised gravel permit application that was submitted by Riverside Contracting on the Donnes property in Shepherd. While practicing social distancing measures, the group gathered in a barn to give information in where they can go to submit their comments to the Montana DEQ by May 21. Wes and Dixie Osborne, nearby residents and opponents of the proposed gravel pit, informed other residents that they need to get their comments in by May 20th in hopes that the DEQ will extend any decision and possibly the comment period yet another 30 days.
Wes told the Yellowstone County News on Wednesday that “we were given a very short notice and timeframe, especially to evaluate what revised information was in a 250 page reviewed application.” The group of Shepherd residents is hoping to have another meeting in three to four weeks with more information. Osborne said that anyone interested in what the group is opposing can go online to the www.savingshepherd.org website and also follow the links to make comments to the DEQ. As other concerned residents were not able to attend due to health concerns, Wes said anyone can call him or his wife at 406-373-5750 if they are looking for more information or times for the next meeting.